10 Get Rich Online Businesses
How to get rich the smart way? Read what some creative people did: 1. Million Dollar Homepage 1000000 pixels, charge a dollar per pixel – that’s perhaps the dumbest idea for online business anyone could have possible come up with. Still, Alex Tew, a 21-year-old who came up with the idea, is now a millionaire. What is the idea? (from FAQ on the site) The idea is simple: to try and make $1m (US) by selling 1,000,000 pixels for $1 each. Hence, ‘The Million Dollar Homepage”. The main motivation for doing this is to pay for my degree studies, because I don’t like the idea of graduating with a huge student debt. I know people who are paying off student loans 15-20 years after they graduated. Not a nice thought!So, everyone is welcome to buy my pixels, which are available in 100-pixel ‘blocks’ (each measuring 10×10 pixels). You will see the homepage is divided into 10,000 of these 100-pixel blocks (hence there are 1,000,000 pixels in total). The reason for selling them in 100-pixel blocks is because anything smaller would be too small to display anything meaningful.You can buy as many pixels as you like, as long as there are […]
12 Days of Christmas
Here are the correct words to one of the most famous Christmas songs recorded. People sometimes get the gifts confused. Enjoy!On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to meA partridge in a pear treeOn the second day of Christmas my true love gave to meTwo turtle dovesAnd a partridge in a pear treeOn the third day of Christmas my true love gave to meThree french hensTwo turtle dovesAnd a partridge in a pear treeOn the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to meFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle dovesAnd a partridge in a pear treeOn the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to meFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle doves and a partridge in a pear treeOn the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to meSix geese a layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle dovesAnd a partridge in a pear treeOn the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to meSeven swans a swimmingSix geese a layingFive golden ringsFour calling birdsThree french hensTwo turtle dovesAnd a partridge in a pear treeOn the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to meEight maids a milkingSeven swans […]
12 Tips for a Successful First Date
Here are a few tips to make that first date successful.01. Plan a short, active date in a safe, public locationPlan a simple, 2-hour date. If you and your date find things of common interest you can always extend it. Choose a dating activity that will make your communication easier, like visiting a restaurant or amusement park, going for a walk, playing pool or bowling. Doing something active and fun together will lead to a better date.02. Choose the right outfitWear clothes that are appropriate to the meeting, you have planned. Also, it’s a good idea to agree on the dress code with your dating partner. Be clean, smell nice. Don’t let your outfit and hygiene ruin your dating plans.03. Be on timeIf you are late, this will make the person you are meeting think you don’t care and it will leave a bad first impression. Even five minutes of lateness is unacceptable on the first date.04. Do not bring friendsTaking friends to your date will make you look immature and insecure. You are an adult person so it is not necessary to bring someone to keep you. If you are concerned about safety, meet your date in a public […]
15 Reasons to Date a Hairdresser
If your latest hair appointment went from small talk to serious flirtations, maybe it’s time to ask out your stylist.Here are 15 reasons to date a hairdresser:1.Your date can help you with that bad hair day.2.Your date’s career depends on him/her being stylish and on-trend. You won’t have to worry about sloppiness.3.Hairdressers are great listeners, acting as sounding boards for many of their clients.4.Your date has likely played relationship therapist for many customers and will have an interesting perspective on love and what makes relationships work.5.After a long day at the salon, your significant other will really appreciate putting his/her feet up. How to earn brownie points: offer a little TLC.6.Hairstylists have to make small talk with all sorts of people from all walks of life. Your date won’t have a problem engaging in conversation with your parents, friends or coworkers.7.Hairdressers are dependable and trustworthy. They keep clients’ secrets, stealthily cover up grey hair, and style hair for important events like weddings.8.Because hairdressers work in the customer service industry, they go above and beyond to treat everyone well. Your date will likely tip waiters and cab drivers generously.9.Job security. Hairstyling is considered a recession-proof career. Even during tough times, people […]
15 Signs You are Bad at Dating
Get out your red pen and check out this tough dating test to see how you fare.1. You Can Go To A Crowded Bar And Not Meet SomeoneHot stuff, all you gotta do is smile at some guy and he’ll melt like butter. Bonus points if you can actually get a sentence out.2. Funky ChickenIf you’re self-conscious about the way you dance, you are no fun to screw. Well, at least that’s what peeps who are watching your awkward moves think. If you wanna do the horizontal mambo, you’ve gotta start by letting yourself get down vertically. Confidence is more seductive than high heels, lingerie, and money. 3. So Close, Yet So Far AwayDo you ever go up to the bar alone and order next to a stud? Luck is being in the right place at the right time, and so is getting ‘er done. If you expect fate to drop a man in your lap, you don’t see how many have already landed around you. The Frisky: The Dos And Don’ts Of Emailing Online Dating Matches 4. Don’t Get Jealous, Get EvenDo you have a friend who gets it twice as much as you and you don’t understand how? If so, […]
3 easy steps to sweeten someone’s Valentine’s Day
(BPT) – Nearly everyone has more than one special person in their life. Whether it’s a neighbor who lets the dog out, the friend who watches the kids in a pinch or a colleague who makes Mondays a little more bearable, loved ones make our days better. A simple thank you or a small thank you gift can go a long way in showing those people just how much you appreciate them.A recent survey revealed that most people do have multiple “loves” in their lives. In fact, significant others aren’t the only ones who get Valentine’s Day gifts these days. This survey, which was commissioned by Rich Products, a leading provider to foodservice, in-store bakery and retail marketplaces, showed that Valentine’s Day now extends way beyond that one special person. Forty four percent of people said that they purchase gifts for multiple people on Valentine’s Day. When asked to identify their “other loves,” friends were at the top of the list; and surprisingly, among their favorite gifts were fresh baked goods ranging from cookies, cupcakes and other sweet treats. –So to sweeten your relationships all year round, small thank you gifts are both welcomed and appreciated. And keep in mind […]
3 Ways to Cut Costs on Wedding Flowers
With all the things you’ll have to worry about paying for when it comes to your wedding, you won’t want to have to spend a lot of cash for slightly smaller things, like accents, decorations, and flower arrangements. Since most brides do want to have flowers at their weddings, and would prefer to purchase them at a reasonable price, here are some ways to save on wedding flowers that you may want to try: Buy synthetic flowers. Synthetic flowers may cost a little more when you buy them in bulk because of the material, but they could save you money because they last as long as you need them to. Many people have fresh flower bouquets for the bride, bridesmaids, and flower girls, and these tend to whither rather quickly, especially if the ceremony is indoors. So, you may end up buying more flowers than you actually need in order to keep the flowers looking good for pictures after the ceremony. You can also find colors or types of flowers that may not be in bloom at the time you are having the wedding if you buy synthetic flowers. This way, you’ll have more freedom to create the look you want for […]
50 ways to say I Love You
A giggly game of Trivial Pursuit and a tall margarita. After nine years of marriage, that is how my husband and I last expressed our love for one another. It is important to say I Love You with both passion and frequency. And we can say it not only with our words but with our actions, with our facial expressions and body language, even with our thoughts. Lasting intimacy comes from an everyday appreciation and a reverence for the daily moments we spend in the company of one another. Here are 50 simple ways you can demonstrate the depth of your love. (I have used the words he and she interchangeably here. The following ideas are not gender specific.) 1. Write down fifty favorite memories of your life spent together so far. Invite your partner to add to the list, as well as to share special ideas for the future. 2. Leave a message on her voicemail with a silly, romantic poem. (Roses are red, violets are blue . . .) 3. Make a CD featuring the songs that have been important in your relationship. Slip it into the CD player of her car. 4. Bring homemade cookies or brownies to his office with a simple […]
6 Possible Internet Dating Strategies
Internet dating works a little differently for everybody who tries it. One person might be so indecisive he or she never goes on a date. Another may be so eager that he or she goes on several before their first week is out. We all have different schedules and different priorities when it comes to internet dating. And so we all work at our own pace and towards our own goals.Unfortunately, though, not all internet daters work with a specific strategy in mind. Instead, they simple bumble through and hope for the best. And while this can work for some people, creating and following a strategy is a great way to find romantic success more quickly. You just have to stick with it.Not all internet dating strategies are created equal however; and some work better than others. Want to know what methods other people are using online to find love? Read on for six of the most popular internet dating strategies and why (and if) they work.1. The “many baskets” method. Ever hear the old expression that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket? Well, some people use this same concept with internet dating. Instead of sticking to one […]
6 Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Relationship
Yesterday was my marriage anniversary and my husband and I were reflecting about the day we got married, and what has kept us together. So, I will like to share with you some of the things that maintain our relationship running.If you noticed I wrote on our relationship because our marriage is not perfect. I do not believe there is such a thing. Yes we do get along, share some of the same ambitions and at the moment we do not have any major marital problems. Disagreements we have them all the time but, hey my brother and I were raised in the same household and it is actually weird whenever we agree on something; Let alone someone who grew up in a totally different environment. Here is a list of the little things that keep us together:Maintaining good humor! My husband like many hates to get up on the mornings however, he likes it when I also get up with a big smile and just talk to him about general stuff over a cup of coffee while he gets ready. It is surprising but, most of our best conversations arise at this time.Patience: Do I need to say more? […]
8 Ways to Entice your Date to Call the Next Day
Simply put a date is ‘boy meets girl’. You are alone with the man you hope will be the father of your children. Is he going to call you the next day to ask for another night out? Will he finally fall on one knee and ask you to marry him? Here are some tips on what to do to get called the next day.•Dress in a way that makes you feel sexy and also flatters your figure. Leave the stilettos home they do not look good on some women. Red is almost always a good color. Try a red slinky dress and comfortable undergarments. Those torture devices some women use to suck in the stomach look great under the dress but are not sexy at all when you are trying to take them off.•Pay attention to what your date has to say. Yes you can talk about yourself but a man finds it really refreshing when a woman allows him to speak and be listened to.•Don’t talk about your ex. If he asks, keep it short and sweet. You are starting fresh with this guy. No need to bring in the ghost of past relationships. You are perfect to […]
A Few Words on Lung Cancer
Being one of the most highly discussed and controversial cancer issues is the topic of lung cancer, and the amount of people afflicted with the disease every year, as more deaths from cancers seems to increase steadily as time goes on. Though this topic may seem as though it has been talked about to death, that is no excuse to dismiss lung cancer, and especially if you are a smoker or have a family history of this particular disease or any record of cancers in your background. With this information, maybe you will find yourself a more properly informed person, and will allow you to handle the topic of cancer better. Lung cancer is the number one cause of death among men and women in the United States, there are two main types of lung cancer, and a smaller percentage are affected with small cell as opposed to non-small cell cancers with both varieties arising from epithelial cells of the lungs. With the symptoms of lung cancer ranging from a cough that wont go away, chest pain and hoarseness, shortness of breath, and recurring infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It is extremely difficult to detect lung cancer early, and if lung […]
A Retirement Home that Pays for Itself
(ARA) – With today’s record low real estate prices and attractive mortgage rates, now may be a good time to think about investing in a second home that ultimately can be used as your permanent residence upon retirement. By taking a “buy-and-rent” approach before you’re ready to retire, your new home will actually have partly paid for itself by the time you’re ready to move into it. “Buying and renting out a second home as a vacation rental property until you’re ready to move in upon retirement can significantly help offset the cost of ownership,” says Brian Sharples, CEO of HomeAway, the world’s leading online vacation rental marketplace. “The income stream, in addition to tax write-offs for maintenance and repairs, make this an attractive strategy for many people nearing retirement.” According to HomeAway, the average second-home owner rents out their property to travelers 17 weeks a year, generating more than $28,000 in rental income annually. And the demand for vacation rentals among travelers is growing, which is good news for second-home owners. In fact, 87 percent of travelers who looked into a vacation rental in the past say they plan to stay in a vacation rental in 2010 – a significant increase […]
A Soldier’s Letter from Iraq
This letter has been shared with me and I wanted to share it with everyone. This is the reality of what our Soldiers are living with in Iraq. They need us more than ever and we as a nation need to be there for them. I will warn you that some of this letter is graphic!God Bless America! God Bless Our Soldiers!A soldier’s letter from IraqBy Pat MinelliCreated 05/27/2007 – 1:23pmEditor’s note: Jonathan Schulze of Prior Lake, who committed suicide after returning home from serving his country in Iraq, wrote the following letter home in 2004. His mother shared the letter with us. It was written while he was in Iraq. 6/27/2004Dear Friends & Family,Sorry I have not written for over a month now. I lost some very good friends and it has been very difficult for me to deal with. You might have heard on the news on April 6th and 7th that our battalion was involved in fire fights that lasted 4-6 hours each day during the afternoon. We lost 16 of our fellow marines in 2 days. One of them, Staff Sgt. Walker, my drill instructor from boot camp, was hit very close to me. I knew him […]
A Vet’s Top 10 Tips For Keeping Your Pet Healthy This Winter
(ARA) – Jack Frost is nipping at your pet’s nose. Winter is here again, and cold weather can be uncomfortable and dangerous to your pet. “In colder regions of the country, pet owners should already know that they need to make accommodations for their pets, but winter can be hard on a pet even in warmer states, like Georgia, where I work,” says Dr. Larry R. Corry, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). “While we don’t get a lot of snow, it does get cold in the winter, and when it gets below freezing, our recommendation is that pet owners get their pets inside.” Here are the AVMA’s top 10 winter tips for pet owners: * Even if you own a sled dog, living outside during the depths of winter is very difficult. If you must keep your dog outside year round, remember that dogs must be allowed time to get acclimated to the cold with the change of the seasons. This builds up a winter coat they will need to survive. Corry recommends that dog owners with outside dogs double check to make sure their dog’s housing is well insulated, including straw or padding to sleep on. “If you want to […]
ABCs of a Purposeful Life
A lways put God first in your life. B e a true friend and you will have many friends. C ount and thank God for your many blessings daily. D iscipline yourself. Decide to make your life count. E dify and encourage others consistently. F ollow great leaders and then become one. G ive liberally and joyfully of your talents and means. H ave an attitude of gratitude. I nvert any negatives thrown your way. Turn them into positives. J ourney through life one step and one day at a time. K eep written goals set ahead. Make specific plans to accomplish them. L ove and forgive everybody. M aximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. N ever, never, never give up! O pen the door wide when opportunity knocks. P ractice patience. Promote peace.. Q uit bad habits by replacing them with good habits. R ead God’s Word and other profitable material every chance you get. S hare the Gospel whenever and wherever possible. T ake time to appreciate everything and everyone God has given to you. U se your God given common sense. V isualize your dreams and stretch to reach for them W atch, listen and pray without ceasing. X amine your motives on a regular basis. Y ield to the Holy Spirit when He prompts you. Z oom in on God’s […]
Achieve your New Year’s resolution & get out of debt!
(ARA) – New Year’s resolutions for 2010: Lose weight, stop smoking, start exercising, get out of debt.Year in and year out, getting out of debt consistently ranks among New Year’s top 10 resolutions. If your household is like many American households struggling with the recession, or worse, unemployment, getting out of debt will be close to the top of your list again for 2010. Unfortunately, like other tough habits to break, it can be difficult to get out of debt after developing spending habits that have heavily relied on borrowing from credit cards and home equity loans. While some households can slowly work their way out of debt, others that have been affected by a recent job loss may have no choice. If you’re among the more than 70 percent of American workers who are living paycheck to paycheck or must immediately cut expenses due to sudden unemployment, here are seven tips from, one of the world’s leading online sources for legal information, on how you can get your new year off to a great start by reducing and eliminating your debt. * Write down your goal. Give power and energy to your goal to get out of debt by writing […]
Aftermarket Headlight Units
This is basically the part which is located on the front corner of your vehicle in order to light the road ahead. Mostly, they come in sealed beam construction type which is the kind wherein the filament, reflector and lens are combined altogether into a single airtight unit. It is made in such a way that installation and removal will simply be done because of several prongs that fit into a wiring socketAmong the well known type of halogen headlight is the halogen style because of its excellent illumination ability. You can as well adjust its screws for you to change the direction of the beam. But due to technological advancement, it has transformed ordinary kinds of headlight into something that is able to provide brighter illumination set within legal boundaries. When the moment arrives when you need to replace a headlight on your vehicle, an Aftermarket headlight is an affordable alternative which can give you the same value that your factory installed unit has given you. This is a quality replacement part created in the same strict industry standards as the original so you don’t have to worry about not getting the same reliable service that you once enjoyed. Aftermarket […]
All About Internet Dating Coaches
When it first began about a decade ago, internet dating was sort of a strange concept. Not many people were doing it, and the ones who were tended to be of a certain common type. Not anymore. Today, internet dating is a booming, ever-growing business, and the stigma of meeting somebody online has all but disappeared. And while this is a great thing for internet daters in general, the sheer number of people online means that singles have to do more and more in order to get noticed on internet dating sites.Which is why online dating coaches and other similar companies are popping up all over the net. These companies will help you with anything from writing your profile, to sifting through search results, to putting together the perfect photo portfolio. And a lot of new online daters swear by them.The History of Dating CoachingDating coaching isn’t something that’s just popped up with the invention of internet dating. This is an industry with a decades-long history. Remember all those movies in the mid-20th century about matchmakers? Well, they’re still around. The difference is that, in addition to helping you choose better clothing and teaching you to perfect your style of […]
American Diabetes Diet
Nearly 8 percent of the American population suffers from one form of diabetes or another. Americans are the worlds biggest consumers and that also goes for their food. Obesity is one major health problem in the United States right now. Obesity has long been a factor involved in the development of diabetes and one way of stopping the increasing number of diabetic patients is through proper diet. Preventing a disease is always better and more economical than going for the cure. Below is a simple guide to eating for diabetic patients. You Are What You Eat Carbohydrates Foods rich in carbohydrates have the greatest effect in blood sugar levels in the body. They maybe classified either as simple or complex carbohydrates. Examples of complex carbohydrates are those found in starches such as corn, pasta, flour or potatoes. Fruits and sugars contain simple carbohydrates. A gram of carbohydrate is equivalent to four calories. Recommended diet for diabetic patients is that their carbohydrate intake should only provide 50 to 60 percent of their calorie intake in a day. Complex carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables are preferred over starch heavy foods. Studies suggest that replacing simple carbohydrates with complex fiber sources lower […]
An Active Life Begins with Healthy Joints
(ARA) – The new year often means resolutions like being healthier or exercising more often. What many people don’t know is that our joints are the critical part of the body that allows us to be active and do the activities we most enjoy. Approximately one-third of Americans 35 and older say their joints prevent them from doing their favorite sport or activity in the last year and more than 50 percent of them just accepted that as part of the aging process, according to a recent study. The good news is there are simple and effective steps you can take to strengthen and protect these “forgotten soldiers” – ensuring your joints a healthy kick-off to an active year. Dr. Kevin R. Stone, an orthopedic surgeon at the Stone Clinic and founder of the Stone Research Foundation and Joint Juice, a San Francisco-based joint health beverage company, offers five tips for helping to maintain healthy joints: 1. Manage your weight – You won’t just look better – you’ll feel better. Every extra pound puts four times the stress on your knees and other weight-bearing joints. Even a small amount of weight loss will give your joints relief. 2. Be supplement savvy – Dietary supplements […]
Are 3,000 Mile Oil Changes Really Necessary?
For years, drivers have been hearing about changing their motor oil every 3,000 miles, but times have changed, and the ‘3,000-mile mantra’ may or may not apply to you and your car. (ARA) – For years, drivers have been hearing about changing their motor oil every 3,000 miles, but times have changed, and the ‘3,000-mile mantra’ may or may not apply to you and your car. The 3,000 mile oil change is a conservative approach to maintaining your vehicle that, according to General Motors, dates back to 1968. It’s also an oil change interval that continues to be encouraged by the automotive oil change industry. Automobile manufacturers cite modern oil and engine technology as the reason why oil change intervals can be extended. Numerous factors come in to play in determining the oil change interval you should follow including: The car you drive and the way you drive it, oil and filter selection and whether your vehicle has an oil life monitoring system. Every automobile manufacturer establishes recommended oil change intervals for each model they manufacture. Oil change intervals are now between 5,000 and 7,500 miles for many new cars. You should follow your car manufacturer’s recommendations on oil change intervals while the car is […]
Are you Ever Lonely?
When grief comes to a home, families receive support and comfort, but often a few days or weeks after the funeral service people begin to stay away. This is often when loneliness begins to set in with its full impact. This same type of loneliness can touch each individual whether we have suffered a loss or not.Have you ever had that same feeling? Money and fame cannot keep an individual from feeling lonely. That feeling of isolation and detachment can strike even in the middle of a crowd.A feeling of loneliness not only affects a person’s attitude, relationships, and outlook on life, it can also affect his physical health. The National Institute of Health reports, “The most predictive risk factor for heart disease is loneliness, which is nothing more than a deficiency of love.”Catherine Marshall, the great woman of faith, was struck with loneliness, but it did not come from a life of misplaced priorities. It came as a result of her husband’s death. She states, “For a time during busy hours one can forget the pain of loneliness. Then some tiny thing, anything, brings it flooding back.”Loneliness might also come as a result of temporary separation, evidenced in a […]
Are you Grieving?
Are you grieving over the loss of a loved one? Whether you are around friends, family, acquaintances, or strangers, understand that grieving is a natural and normal part of life. If you are grieving and are having trouble being with others, here are a few ways to better deal with your loss. 1. Grieving is a natural part of life – we grieve when we lose something we love. -For some reason, in the West, we deal with grieving, death and dying, as unspeakable subjects. It is as though we think if we don’t talk about them, they will go away. -But they don’t go away because they are inherent in life; the cycle of birth and death rages on. -Every death – the death of a loved one, the losing of a job, the ending of a relationship, even though it might have been dysfunctional, – summons up every other death. Judith Rossner says in her book August, “After the first death, there is no other.” 2. There is no “normal” time frame to stop grieving – the grieving stops when you are done mourning. -If you surrender to the natural process of grieving, you will move through grieving […]
Arm Yourself Against the Flu
(ARA) – The flu seems to be top-of-mind right now for almost everyone, especially moms. And while many moms are taking extra measures this year to protect kids from both seasonal flu and H1N1, they may neglect getting their own flu shot. With kids, husbands, schools, friends, communities and employers depending on moms for so much, it’s more important than ever for moms to get vaccinated against seasonal flu this year. As many as one in five Americans ends up suffering from the flu each year and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized due to flu-related complications, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most cases result in a few days in bed, which is far from rest and relaxation for the do-it-all mom. When the flu bug bites mom, it can seriously impact the family, as she may not be able to care for the home and kids as she normally does. “Moms today are busier than ever and the No. 1 thing they’re looking for is convenience,” says Dr. Lucy Crane, Walgreens corporate medical director. “A seasonal flu shot is the best protection against getting the virus and now it’s quick and easy to stop by a neighborhood […]
Asphalt Shingles Add Value, Beauty, and Durability To Roofs
(ARA) – With national home prices still 30 percent below 2006 levels, homeowners are looking for affordable ways to boost the value of their homes without breaking the bank. Repairing or replacing the roof is one of the most noticeable improvement projects homeowners can take on. And although the effect of a new roof is stunning, the price tag doesn’t have to be. Going back to the basics when it comes to getting a new roof can employ the “genius of ‘and,’” according to TAMKO Building Products President and Chief Executive Officer David Humphreys. “It’s a way of describing how you can successfully achieve two or more goals that might not seem compatible,” Humphreys says. “For example: you can add value to your home and save money doing it.” This is possible in roofing through the reliability, durability and affordability of the traditional asphalt shingle. Reliability And when it comes to roofing, the standard asphalt shingle could be the fastest path to a new roof, while still maintaining reliability, durability and affordability. Asphalt shingles have more than 150 years of proven severe weather durability as a roof covering. But as a waterproofing agent, asphalt’s history goes back much farther. Kent Blanchard, vice president of roofing manufacturing for TAMKO […]
At last, a liveable diet worth keeping
(ARA) – Right about now, the guilt may be setting in. The holidays are one long season of over-indulgence for many of us. More than one holiday binge has led to an extra five or 10 pounds – and a pledge to get healthier in the New Year. Sadly for most Americans, such resolutions are often broken and forgotten by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around. It’s never too late, however, to get back on track with a healthier lifestyle. You can lose the holiday weight – and guilt – and you just might improve your health and quality of life for the long haul. Mayo Clinic, a leading authority on health and nutrition, offers some sensible, livable advice for managing your health and weight in 2010 and beyond. For the first time in its history, Mayo Clinic has developed and published a diet. Recommending simple lifestyle changes and requiring no special foods, calculators, or food scales, “The Mayo Clinic Diet” is based on a common-sense approach to losing weight and keeping it off. “Many patients I see have tried several diets in an attempt to lose weight, yet the weight keeps coming back,” says Dr. Donald Hensrud, a Mayo Clinic specialist in preventive […]
Avoid Swine Flu in Babies with Vaccines
The H1N1 virus has attacked the world with unprecedented vengeance during and after April, 2009.The trail of disease started off in Mexico and then spread in many countries around the world. The H1N1 virus is more virulent than the H5N1 (avian flu) virus that had spread a couple of years ago. The issue with H1N1 is that it has started spreading from humans to other humans which lends much more teeth to its viciousness. There are many countries, like India and other nations that have started detailed and methodical screening of all passengers coming in from swine flu infected countries to arrest its spread and prevent local populations from becoming infected. In developing countries, where healthcare facilities are limited, the consequences of any spread of this virus could indeed be disastrous, putting at risk the huge number of poor and illiterate people who do not have access to vaccines or medicines. Vaccines have traditionally used killed viruses to act on the viruses and counter the same. This is similar to the process developed by Jonas Salk way back in 1955 in dealing with the polio virus. It may be noted that even the world does produce influenza vaccines, more than 500,000 […]
Babe Didrikson Zaharias
Mildred Didrikson, who changed the spelling of her surname, acquired her nickname during sandlot baseball games with the neighborhood boys, who thought she batted like Babe Ruth.A talented basketball player in high school, Didrikson was recruited during her senior year in 1930 to do office work at Employers Casualty Company of Dallas and to spark the company’s semiprofessional women’s basketball team, the Golden Cyclones. Between 1930 and 1932 she led the team to two finals and a national championship and was voted All-American each season. Her exceptional athletic versatility prompted Employers Casualty to expand its women’s sports program beyond basketball. Didrikson represented the company as a one-woman team in eight of ten track and field events at the 1932 Amateur Athletic Union Championships. She placed in seven events, taking first place in five-shot put, javelin and baseball throws, eighty-meter hurdles, and long jump; she tied for first in the high jump and finished fourth in the discus throw. In three hours Didrikson singlehandedly amassed thirty points, eight more than the entire second-place team, and broke four world records. Her performances in the javelin throw, hurdles, and high jump qualified her to enter the 1932 Olympics, where she again broke world […]
Baby boomers: Don’t forget to care for your eyes as you age
(ARA) – The baby boomer generation makes up an estimated 76 million people – roughly one-fourth of the U.S. population. This means that either you or someone you love is part of this aging group. According to Eye on the Boomer, a recent survey by the Ocular Nutrition Society, almost as many baby boomers say they worry about losing their vision as those that say they worry about having heart disease or cancer. What’s more, 78 percent of those surveyed ranked vision as the most important of the five senses. Yet, more than half of the survey respondents ages 45-65 said they don’t typically have a recommended annual eye exam, and even fewer are aware of important nutrients that can play a key role in eye health. Experts recommend that disease prevention, including lifestyle modification, attention to dietary intake and vitamin supplementation must become a greater focus of primary vision care. Studies indicate that proper nutrition promotes healthy eyes, however many American diets are found to be deficient of the critical nutrients that help protect eye health. “If people are at risk for heart disease they typically make lifestyle modifications,” says Dr. Jeffrey Anshel, president of the Ocular Nutrition Society. “This survey […]
Basic Battery Jumper Cable Instructions
When a battery is dead a jump start is needed to troubleshoot the reason the battery went dead. A dead battery condition can range from a car door left open to the headlights being left on overnight. Low battery voltage is a common car problem. As a battery ages it can lose the ability to store electricity resulting in an insufficient flow of electrical energy to the starter. The starter is designed to operate on a high amperage 12 volt system, when a starter is subjected to low voltage or amperage (flow) it will cause the starter to not operate. To jump start your car battery use a good quality jumper cable set. Inexpensive cables do not work as well because a higher gauge wire (smaller diameter) is used in the construction restricting the current flow from battery to battery.Park the car that will be used as the jumper vehicle near enough for the jumper cables to reach to the front of the car that is going to be jumped, and shut off engine. (or were the battery is located, most vehicles are located in the front, under the hood)With the engine off open the hood on both cars and […]
Bathroom remodeling ideas: from small to total overhaul
(ARA) – Ready to give your bathroom a facelift, but can’t decide what changes to make? From tubs to toilets to tile, the sky is the limit when it comes to bathroom renovations, even if budget is not. Whether you are planning some small do-it-yourself changes, or a major overhaul, here are some fresh ideas for bathroom remodeling that will help you build the smart, stylish, and functional bathroom of your dreams. Start living large Feeling crowded in a small bathroom? For a small-budget fix-up, replace your old space-wasting vanity with a smart open-design style that maximizes storage, while visually opening up the room. If your project is major and you are opening the walls, replace your floor-mounted toilet in favor of a wall-mounted toilet, such as Porcher Solutions Dual Flush toilet, which stows the water tank behind the wall. The Porcher Solutions toilet is water-wise, as well as space-savvy, and the EverClean surface inhibits the growth of stain and odor causing bacteria, mold and mildew on the surface. Focus on your faucet If you have a small budget, making a simple change like updating a bathroom faucet and accessories can still have a dramatic impact on the style of the room. Faucets with the […]
Be Party Smart: Simple Rules to Avoid Calories
(ARA) – With the abundance of parties this time of year – from the holidays to Mardi Gras – it can be easy to over-indulge and see the result in your waistline. Even so, it’s possible to enjoy party favorites with the right approach. Mitzi Dulan, registered dietician, author and nutritionist for NFL and Major League Baseball teams, offers a party game plan everyone can follow that emphasizes moderation, avoiding hunger extremes and eating real foods like avocado, shrimp and all-natural honey. “Some people think they cannot enjoy the food at parties and maintain their figure,” Dulan says. “This isn’t true. I encourage people to eat the foods they love, but do so in moderation. It is easy to over-eat at parties, which is why I created this guide to avoid extra calories.” Mitzi Dulan’s party game plan includes obeying five simple rules: 1. Portions, portions, portions: The No. 1 rule of the party game plan is one of the easiest steps, yet most often violated. Eat foods in smaller amounts. It’s when you go back for seconds and thirds that the pounds accumulate. The first bites are always the tastiest anyway. 2. Avoid the chemistry test: Xanthan Gum. Sodium Alginate. Erythorbic Acid. What may […]
Beaumont Hospitals & Clinics
Below is a list of area hospitals and clinics.Cancer Center of Southeast TexasDr. Joseph KongDr. Danny ChowDr. Ernest Hymel8333 9th AvenuePort Arthur, Texas 77642(409) 729-8088www/setexonc.comMemorial Herman Baptist Hospital3080 College StreetBeaumont, Texas 77701(409) 835-3781www.mhbh.orgCHRISTUS Hospital-St. Elizabeth2830 Calder St., Beaumont, TX 77702-1809Phone: 409.892.7171 Fax: 409.924.3959www.christushospital.orgCHRISTUS Hospital-St. MaryP.O. Box 36963600 Gates Boulevard, Port Arthur, TX 77642 Phone: 409.985.7431Fax: 409.989.1033www.christushospital.orgCHRISTUS Hospital-Jasper Memorial Hospital1275 Marvin Hancock Dr., Jasper, TX 75951-4985Phone: 409.384.5461Fax: 409.383.0622www.christushospital.orgSoutheast Texas Gastroenterology Associates 950 North 14th StreetBeaumont, Texas(409) 833-5555 www.setga.comBeaumont Bone & Joint Inst3650 Laurel StBeaumont, TX (409) 924-4900Biotronics Kidney Ctr-Beaumont2755 Liberty StBeaumont, TX (409) 839-8204Dubuis Hospital-Beaumont2830 Calder St # 4Beaumont, TX (409) 899-8154 Endoscopy Center Se Texas950 N 14th St # 200Beaumont, TX Minor Care Ctr 3939 Dowlen Rd # 19Beaumont, TX (409) 892-7171 / 833-5555
Bed bug battles: How to keep the pests out of your home
(ARA) – The conflict between humans and insect pests has raged for centuries, but few battles boast the sheer make-your-skin-crawl ick factor as the war between people and bed bugs. And the battle, once played out largely in hotels with high international traffic, has moved to the home front. Nine out of 10 pest management professionals have treated single-family homes, apartments and condos for bed bug infestations in the past year, according to the 2011 Bugs Without Borders Survey by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and the University of Kentucky. Infestations are occurring in homes, hotels, hospitals, day care centers, college dorms, schools, movie theaters, department stores and even public transportation in every state. Don’t think you’re safe from the little blood-suckers just because you travel little or stay at only the best hotels, professionals say. Bed bug infestations have little to do with cleanliness or quality. Bed bugs are notoriously hardy and just a few of the hitch-hiking pests – which you can pick up virtually anywhere these days – are all it takes to ultimately establish an infestation in your home or apartment. “NPMA advises consumers against the ‘this can’t happen to me’ attitude, because bed bugs are equal opportunity […]
Being Single with Cancer
Key Points:•As a single person, it’s normal to have fears and concerns about dating, new relationships, and sexual intimacy; however, these concerns should not keep you from dating if you choose to do so.•Although it can feel awkward and difficult at times, talking with a dating partner about your concerns can help relieve difficult feelings, such as anxiety.The physical and emotional changes experienced during and after cancer treatment can change dating and sexual relationships for single adults. Starting new relationships can be stressful for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for single adults with cancer or a history of cancer. Many single cancer survivors avoid dating because they fear being rejected. The possibility of rejection is real, but it’s important to not a let a fear of rejection stop you from dating altogether. Here are some tips on talking to a date about cancer, starting new relationships, and talking about sexual intimacy.Talking to a date about cancerDeciding when to tell a new date about your cancer experience can be especially challenging. Some cancer survivors may feel that:•Talking about their diagnosis and treatment is too personal to share with someone new•Their experience may scare away a potential partner•Not telling a […]
Bells Will Be Ringing
This was my late wife’s favorite Christmas song. We would dance by the Christmas tree lights knowing all was fine.Bells will be ringing, the glad, glad news;Oh, what a Christmas, to have the blues;My baby’s gone;I have no friends;To wish me greetings, once again;Choirs will be singing, Silent NightOh, Christmas Carols, by candlelight; Please come home for Christmas;Please come home for Christmas;If not for Christmas, by New Year’s Night; Friends and relations;Send salutations;Just as sure as the stars shine above; This is Christmas, Christmas my dear;The time of year to be with the one that you love; Then will you tell me, you’ll never more roam;Christmas and New Year will find you home;There’ll be no more sorrow;No grief or pain;‘Cause I’ll be happy that it’s Christmas once again
Best Video Poker – Part 2 by Victor Royer
First, let me state at the outset that I am not necessarily writing here about the best mathematically ordained Video Poker machines, but am writing instead about the best kinds of machines to play in a regular casino, for short slices of overall probabilities, under actual playing conditions of in-casino play, and under the often-inevitable situations of less-than-always-perfect play.Deuces Wild Video PokerThis is a Video Poker game which employs the use of the “2” value card – called a “deuce” – as a “wild” card. Being “wild” means that the deuce cards substitute for all other symbols, thereby allowing you to get many more winning combinations than or regular Video Poker. But beware! Although you will get many more pays, you will also not get nearly as much for them as you would on a Video Poker machine which does not use the deuce cards as “wild”.However, this game is by far among the best Video Poker games you can ever play. There are several reasons for this. First, the fact that you do get many more pays means that you will be able to play longer for less. And, depending on your skill level and choice of machine program, […]
Best Video Poker by Victor Royer
First, let me state at the outset that I am not necessarily writing here about the best mathematically ordained Video Poker machines, but am writing instead about the best kinds of machines to play in a regular casino, for short slices of overall probabilities, under actual playing conditions of in-casino play, and under the often-inevitable situations of less-than-always-perfect play.Best Video PokerFirst, let me state at the outset that I am not necessarily writing here about the best mathematically ordained Video Poker machines, but am writing instead about the best kinds of machines to play in a regular casino, for short slices of overall probabilities, under actual playing conditions of in-casino play, and under the often-inevitable situations of less-than-always-perfect play.There are a few items of knowledge that I will assume you already know, particularly the differences between 6/5, 7/5, 8/5, 9/5, 8/6, 9/6, 10/6 and 10/7 Video Poker machines, and how to spot this and what this means. It used to be that Video Poker machines were only of one kind – a standard five-card-draw jacks-or-better machines. Then came various derivatives, the most popular of which became the Deuces Wild and Joker’s Wild machines, each with their own variances on pay schedules […]
Bingo History & Trivia
If you’re a fan of little bits of trivia, or a fan of bingo, or both, you might be interested in learning a little bit about the origins of bingo and its evolution into the games we know today. This article takes a look at important events in bingo history, purely for your entertainment.The origins of bingo. Bingo can be traced to Italy, where it began in the 16th century. The date given for the first ever bingo game is sometime in the 1530s, played in a weekly Italian tournament called “Lo Giuocu del Lotto del D’Italia”. This game is still played every Saturday in Italy. The first bingo game was the 90 ball variety instead of the 75 ball variety we play in North America.The game was eventually picked up by the French, who perhaps believed that the name gave a little too much glamour to the actual game because they shortened it to “Le Lotto”. It was widely played among wealthy Frenchman from 1779 onward.The Germans take Le Lotto to a whole new level. The educational potential of bingo was first realized by teachers in Germany, who began using the game to teach children basic concepts in math, […]
Bookmark your Favorite Road
(ARA) – Planes and trains may have their place in our society, but for the dedicated traveler there’s still nothing like getting in your car and taking a trip along America’s highways. Half the fun of road trips, in the minds of many, is getting home and telling friends and family about the adventure – and the roads they traveled. In the past, drivers’ road stories were largely told by word of mouth to a few people at a time. Now drivers can tell their tales to millions via the Internet. is a new Web site that features America’s favorite highways and byways. The site encourages you to post your favorite roads and explain why you like them. Simply log on to submit a photo and story of your favorite road. Use links posted on the site to share your road via popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Your submission may even win a prize in contest giveaways. The past year’s economic downturn has reintroduced the word “infrastructure” to our vocabulary. As a result of stimulus legislation passed in 2009, the federal government has allocated millions of dollars to specifically improve state roads and highways. And, with more affordable gasoline prices, […]
Breaking the Barriers on Bladder Weakness
(ARA) – Women may be known as the more talkative sex, but when it comes to certain sensitive health topics their lips are sealed – even with their closest friends. Nearly 40 percent of women with symptoms of bladder weakness have never discussed the problem with anyone, according to a recent survey. In fact, nearly half of women who actually experience symptoms of bladder weakness – leakage or loss of urine – do not even acknowledge having the condition, and more women would be more willing to discuss sensitive issues such as mental health and infertility than bladder weakness, according to Bladder Talk, a North American survey sponsored by TENA – a leading brand of bladder protection products. Dr. Lauri Romanzi, a board certified gynecologist with more than 20 years of experience in women’s health, offered additional insight into the survey results. “Women often try to cope with private or embarrassing issues such as bladder weakness on their own. This hesitancy to discuss the condition makes it seem rarer than it actually is – but in fact, one in four women older than 40 suffers from bladder weakness. The good news is there are exercises and products that can help […]
Breast Cancer Stages
If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, you will undergo a process known as staging to help determine how much the cancer has spread in your body. Breast cancer staging helps your doctor determine the best treatment options for you. By categorizing breast cancer, both doctor and patient are better able to predict the most likely outcome of the disease and make treatment decisions based, in part, on that prognosis. “The reason why we have very formal staging systems is to have a common language to compare new treatment and outcomes across studies and across countries,” says Christy Russell, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, chief of medicine at USC/Norris Cancer Hospital, co-director of the USC/Norris Breast Center, and a spokeswoman for the American Cancer Society. “When we do clinical trials, we require women all be of a certain stage so there’s a uniformity [among] the women.” How Breast Cancer Is StagedCancer spreads in the body through the lymph system and through the blood. To determine how far your breast cancer has spread, doctors will perform a series of tests that include: Imaging. There are a number of special X-rays that may […]
Breathe Easy America
Learning more about lung health can be like a breath of fresh air. So sit back, inhale deeply and take our quiz. (See answers at bottom.)1. Which two foods contain vitamins that may improve lung health and could be used to treat the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?a) beans and riceb) carrots and liverc) oranges and salmon2. Carrying too much fat on this part of the body could affect your breathing:a) thighsb) upper armsc) waist3. Around what age are your lungs typically at their best?a) 15b) 20c) 304. You’ll find it easier to breathe if you can control your:a) temperb) financesc) time spent on the phone5. Dust mite allergies cause sneezing and watery eyes, and in severe cases can lead to asthma. The best way to wash dust mites out of fabrics and clothing is to use:a) more laundry soapb) hotter waterc) fabric softener6. Most people know that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. What’s No. 2?a) air pollutionb) radonc) sunspotsANSWERS1. Answer: C. Studies suggest that eating one serving per week of vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges can help lower risk of lung disease. Research also suggests that people with higher levels of vitamin D […]
Brest Cancer Stages
Breast cancer is divided into five stages. Stages 0-2 are considered “early”, stage 3 considered “advanced”, and stage 4 “late”. Staging categories are important for predicting future prognosis, and determine optimal treatment recommendations. Stage 0 is DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ. Breast cancer arises from the cells that line the milk ducts. When the cancerous cells are still contained inside the duct, it is diagnosed as DCIS. This can only be determined by a pathologist doctor looking at the tissue under a microscope. In general, when the DCIS lesion is small, there is no need to suspect cancer spread outside the breast. Stage 1 is invasive or infiltrating cancer. Here, the cancer cells have broken through the duct wall and are found outside the ducts as well. In this case, doctors need to determine whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. Stage 1 breast cancer must be equal or smaller than 2 cm in its invasive component, AND have no spread to lymph nodes. Often, the tissue removed at surgery contain DCIS in addition to the invasive cancer. However, only the dimensions of the invasive cancer count. If the patient needs to have multiple surgeries and the […]
Build New or Stay and Remodel
There are three possible scenarios involved in that question: 1. Stay where you are and renovate 2. Move to an existing house and renovate 3. Build a new house for you to move into There are numerous considerations, not the least of which is how you feel about your existing location. That word – LOCATION – should be your primary focus. Do you prefer to remain where you are, or not? Is staying where you are an option, or are you forced to relocate due to a job change, or other issues? If you wish to stay where you are, there’s no reason to read this article. Remodeling and/or expanding the place where you now live is the least expensive alternative – by far. Your aggravation levels will increase during the construction, but they will do that with either of the other choices as well. If it gets to be too much, you can move to a motel for 2 months, eat dinner out every night, and still come out cheaper than either option 2 or option 3. If you want to be in your present home, case closed. So let’s assume you have to move, and we’ll concentrate on option 2 vs. option 3. There are […]
Build the perfect man cave
(BPT) – The perfect man cave is different for everyone, but no matter how you define your ideal space, you’re always looking for ideas on how to upgrade and make a space uniquely yours.If you’re looking for some great man cave additions but don’t have the money for a total makeover, don’t worry. You can give your space a redo at a fraction of the cost.How? By renting a few components to make your space perfect for having company. Here are some simple ways you can rent what’s needed to build your man cave into a space coveted by your friends.* It starts with the TV. Whether you are a movie buff or you wait all week for the big game, nothing defines a man cave quite like a big screen TV. Renting a TV for your big event ensures that you have the latest and greatest picture quality at a fraction of the price.* Complement your viewing entertainment with extras. No matter what is on television, food is the perfect party pleaser. Rent food warmers for the big game to keep your appetizers succulent and provide that true tailgating experience. If you’re interested in film rather than sports, create […]
Camping Supply List
Camping is an exciting event and one of the best ways to spend time outdoors. Read more on benefits of camping. There is a lot of beforehand preparation required when you go for camping. The very first thing that you need to do is, to make a list of things that you have to take with you to the trek or the camp. With the camping supply list, it will be easier for you to make further preparations and will reduce the hassles related to camping. Without a camping supplies list, it is quiet stressful and confusing when it comes to the things that are to be taken with you. Camping checklist will make a perfect camping holiday possible for you. Here is a list that is sorted according to the type of camping that you are opting for vacation, backpacking or RV camping.Camping Supply List – RV campingRV camping in this section is refers to all sizes of recreational vehicle. There are a few things that are needed to be checked a few days before the departure. These things include checking the weather of the place where you are about to go for RV camping. There must be an […]
Can your Dog Save the Planet?
(ARA) – We all think our dogs are super, but could your dog help save the planet by reducing landfill waste? How you train your dog has a big impact on the environment and on your wallet. Housebreaking a puppy or dog is never fun, but it’s a necessary part of adding a new member to the family. There will be unpleasant messes to clean up, but you’ll need to teach the dog the right and wrong places to go. So, where does saving the environment come into play? “I saw a stack of training pads at the grocery store and realized how expensive and harmful to the environment they could be,” says Kami Havluciyan, maker of the Ugodog, an environmentally-conscious indoor dog potty. “I knew there had to be an environmentally conscious alternative.” Many people use training pads (essentially big, flat disposable diapers) for housetraining the dog, or to use as a “dog bathroom” indoors. Unfortunately they are dirty, dogs can drag them around the house and they are definitely not eco-friendly. The best tool to use when training your puppy or dog is to designate a bathroom area and use a dog toilet like the Ugodog Indoor Dog […]
Can’t Stop Smoking? Start Drinking Tea!
Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven’t cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, “I am a smoker.” If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.It came to me one afternoon, when I was trying to fight off a sore throat, and I held my pipe in my left hand, and searched for my lighter with my right… I shouldn’t be doing this. I have had this sore throat for a week, and I can’t stop smoking. Well, the truth was the truth, and I really didn’t have intentions of stopping… Slowing down, yes; stopping, no. Though this moment was quick, it was important, as it was then that I accepted my fait. And more importantly, was now able to balance the scales. Smoking makes you look old, smoking causes cancer, smoking smells, smoking makes your teeth yellow, and a million other STOP SMOKING ads rushed through my head… I accepted them all… Ok, […]
Cancer Patients want Honesty from Doctors
If you had cancer, would you want to be told your odds of dying? Absolutely, suggests a survey of more than 500 people with breast, lung, or prostate cancer.Ninety-five percent said they wanted their doctor to be honest about their chances of a cure and how long they can expect to live, says Ajay Bhatnagar, MD, a radiation oncologist at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute in Pittsburgh.Men with prostate cancer were more likely to want their doctors to be honest about their odds of survival than people with lung cancer: 97% vs. 91%, he says.While respondents were not asked why, “we think that has to do with the fact that is pretty well known that the prognosis for lung cancer is quite dismal,” Bhatnagar tells WebMD.Men with prostate cancer, on the other hand, “have an excellent prognosis and we think they like to hear that reaffirmed by their physician,” he says.The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).Patients Want Informal DoctorsThe survey findings also suggest that many patients want their doctors to shed the formality, Bhatnagar says. Nearly three-fourths of those surveyed said they prefer to be called by their first […]
Carpet Cleaning Tips
The best way to preserve the life of your carpet is by proper routine cleaning. Dirt in your carpet becomes rough like sandpaper. By stepping on the carpet, we grind dirt deeper into the carpet fibers, making tiny cuts that cause the carpet to wear out quicker. The following guide will give tips on preserving the life of new carpet longer. Vacuum the Carpet Regularly The most fundamental part of carpet care is vacuuming your carpet on a thorough and regular routine schedule. In fact, studies have shown that it actually take a full seven repetitions of vacuuming to eliminate all of the loose dirt from the carpet. The best vacuum to use when accomplishing this would be a less-heavy, upright vacuum cleaner. To fully clean the carpet, your vacuum cleaner should have strong suction and be equipped with a vibrating device to loosen dirt. Immediately Eliminate Any Carpet Stains Next to thoroughly vacuuming the carpet is cleaning any stains as soon as they are seen. The faster the stain is taken care of, the easier it is to get rid of. The longer the stain is ignored, the harder a time you will have to remove it. Using the correct cleaning materials is […]
Cats Found to Offer Support to Breast Cancer Patients
(ARA) – Women facing breast cancer report that their cats rank among the most important of the many loyal, loving and understanding supporters they rely on to help them through their treatment. In fact, cats rank alongside parents and siblings as an important source of daily support, according to a recent survey. Studies show that an important emotional connection exists between pets and their owners. During times of stress or illness, the bond between a pet and owner can be particularly strong. Missy Fish is undeniable proof of this. Fish, a two-time breast cancer survivor, leaned on the companionship of her two cats, Phoebe and Jack, during her treatments. “They were the perfect companions when I needed them most,” Fish says. “They were silent sources of strength and empowerment.” Fish is far from the only breast cancer survivor to attest to the power of her cat. A recent Purina Cat Chow national survey of breast cancer survivors with cats underscores this important emotional connection and relationship. The survey found that 84 percent of women battling breast cancer said their cat had a calming effect on them during their treatment. Cats also provided daily support to the patient, according to 76 percent of survivors surveyed. Dr. Karen […]
Celebrate a New Look for your Home in the New Year
(ARA) – Each year about 70 percent of Americans make a New Year’s resolution and most soon forget they ever made one. Time for a change? Why not resolve to give your old house a new look in the New Year? Start the new decade with a new attitude about your home’s makeover. * Here’s one you can stick to. Many home improvement projects can pay dividends and save energy. For example, in 2010, U.S. tax credits abound for energy-efficient upgrades like windows, doors, insulation, water heaters, roofing and certain appliances. * Paint a room to renew it. Apply new interior paint to brighten up your home and brush away the winter blues. Hot colors for 2010 include bright or warm yellows, lavender for bedrooms and slate or charcoal grays to replace tan and beige tones as popular neutrals. * Home built decades ago? American homes built before 1978 may include paint containing lead. Lead poisoning can pose a health threat, especially to young children. Contact your local health department for advice on lead paint removal or visit * Front and center. While you’re painting, remember the front door. A fresh coat of paint or polyurethane on a fiberglass or wood entry door […]
Checklist for a Road Trip
Road trip, as most of the people know was a completely ‘mad’ movie. It was a hilarious and interesting portrayal, of the causes and consequences of a road trip, undertaken by the main characters of that movie. But hey, they faced a lot of unexpected and strange incidences, which maybe you would not, I am sure. So the best way to ensure that your road trip is hassle free, is to prepare a checklist. This will help you to chart out the trip better, and have a good, enjoyable trip.So check out the check list for a road trip –Better Safe Than Worry: Surely, you would not want to mess up your road trip on account of a freak accident. So better be on the safer side and do not forget to carry a first aid safety kit.License to Kill?: Make sure you are carrying your driving license and vehicle registration documents, for you never know when you’d need them. That doesn’t mean that you have a license to kill. Be safe, avoid accidents. The ‘Buck’ Stops Here: Carry adequate amount of money, depending on the duration of the trip. Carry a sufficient amount of cash and plastic money (credit cards) […]
Checklist for the Groom
This checklist will help the groom in planning the most important day of his life. Feel free to print it out and give copies to those helping to plan your wedding (especially the Best Man). 6 Months Discuss wedding expenses and budget with fiancee and all parents. Who is paying for what? Start making out your guest list. Select your best man. Decide how many ushers you need (1 for every 50 guests), and select them. Check marriage license requirements for your State Arrange visit with minister/wedding officiant to discuss ceremony. Discuss honeymoon plans. If traveling abroad, make legal arrangements (passport, visas, inoculations etc). Visit wedding gift registry with fiancee. Why register? Ask questions about money matters before you are married 3 Months Complete guest list, give it to fiancee. Consult with fianceé and order wedding attire for self, best man, ushers and fathers. Arrange transportation (limousines, etc.) for wedding party to ceremony and reception. Complete honeymoon plans: buy tickets, arrange hotel, etc. Order wedding rings and engraving. Arrange to pay for bride’s bouquet Order boutonnieres for men, and corsages for mothers Check marriage license requirements for your State to see if you need an exam and blood test. 6-8 Weeks Plan rehearsal dinner with your parents. Consult with fianceé and arrange lodging for relatives and ushers from out of town. Select gifts for […]
Checklist for What to Bring on your Wedding Day
Pack an emergency kit for your wedding day, along with all of the items your wedding actually calls for, as far in advance as possible. Keep lists for each category and entrust your maid of honor or bridesmaid with the best organizational skills to carry your personal emergency kit and your last-minute wedding items. Preparing for mishaps ahead of time makes emergencies easier to deal with so you can get back to enjoying your wedding day. Plan AheadWrite a list for your personal emergency kit a couple of weeks ahead of time. Give that list and any items you already have to your designated helper for the day. Choose someone who is extremely organized, but doesn’t have too many other responsibilities on the day of your wedding. She should then pick up any small extras that need to be included in your emergency kit the week before the wedding.Make a list of each item you need to take to the wedding. Have all of these items in one central location the day before the wedding. Assign another person to keep track of these items, and work out any special arrangements for large, bulky items such as your wedding gown. Emergency KitPack a toothbrush, […]
Chevy Corvette History
Corvette history brings together two legends of automotive engineering and design. What began as a concept car became an American icon of speed with a devoted following.Concept Car RootsHarley J. Earl was GM’s chief designer in 1951. In the fall of that year, Earl began thinking about a sports car that would sell for around $2,000. He took his idea to Robert F. McLean, and a concept car was born. The concept car used the ’52 Chevy sedan’s chassis parts, but the drivetrain and cab were shoved toward the back of the car, so that it had a longer hood. The concept car had an inline six-cylinder engine, but the horsepower on the engine was jacked by increasing the compression ratio. The original transmission was a Powerglide automatic transmission, as GM was not sure that the manual transmission could handle the power output. The body was made from fiberglass in order to keep the costs down.GM planned to display their concept car as part of their Motorama exhibit in the 1953 New York Auto Show. Ed Cole, the chief engineer at Chevrolet, was so enthusiastic about the car, he began production on it before it appeared at the Auto Show. […]
Chocolate Cream Pie
The filling of this chocolate-crust pie is luscious, but not too rich. (Think old-fashioned chocolate pudding.) A bit of sour cream in the whipped topping balances the chocolate perfectly.1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder4 1/2 teaspoons granulated sugar1/4 teaspoon salt1/2 cup shortening, chilled and cut up3 -4 tablespoons ice water1 cup chopped semisweet chocolate (6 ounces)2 tablespoons butter3 cups whole milk2/3 cup granulated sugar4 egg yolks3 tablespoons cornstarch2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder1 teaspoon vanilla3/4 cup whipping cream2 tablespoons sour cream1 tablespoon powdered sugarChocolate curls or grated semisweet chocolateDirectionsIn a medium bowl combine flour, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 4 1/2 teaspoons sugar and the salt. Using a pastry blender, cut shortening into flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon water over part of the mixture. Gently toss with a fork. Continue adding water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until all dough is moistened. Form dough into a ball. On a lightly floured surface press dough into a disc. Roll dough into a 12-inch circle. Ease circle into a 9-inch pie plate. Trim pastry to 1/2-inch beyond edge of pie plate. Fold under extra crust and crimp as desired. Prick bottom and sides of pastry with a fork. Line […]
Cloth vs. Disposable: Modern Moms Switching Back To Cloth
(ARA) – Allie Schellhammer admits that she is changed for the better. When Schellhammer was pregnant, there was no doubt in her mind that she would use disposable diapers for her baby, Catherine, who is now 16 months old. Cloth diapers were a distant thought in this mom-to-be’s mind. “I grew up hearing stories about cloth diapers. We all thought they were pretty icky,” says Schellhammer. “I even talked about my diapering options with my doula, but I was set about using disposables.” For the first few months of Catherine’s life, Schellhammer used disposable diapers. But shortly thereafter, her perspective changed when her daughter began getting frequent and painful diaper rashes. Schellhammer says she felt so helpless and that’s when she knew it was time to re-investigate cloth diapers. “I spent a lot of time researching and talking to cloth diapering pros. I fell in love with the idea that cloth could not only help lessen the severity of my daughter’s diaper rash, but also that I could save money and save the planet from one more unnecessary disposable. It became clear that I needed to reform my diapering ways,” admits Schellhammer. Today, Schellhammer says that she has been a loyal cloth diaper user for […]
Cold Weather Care for your Car
(ARA) – Baby, it may be cold outside, but inside your car’s engine it’s hot as blazes. Even when temperatures dip, your vehicle’s coolant system works hard to keep the engine cool and running smoothly. It’s important to take care of your cooling system, whatever the weather. Antifreeze helps keep a car engine running smoothly, despite the temperature outside. When a car engine starts, coolant is pumped around the engine to either warm it up or cool it down. In addition to keeping the car at the ideal temperature, many antifreeze products on the market today, such as PEAK Long Life Antifreeze and Coolant, also have extra additives to help prevent corrosion and expensive engine breakdowns. Because it’s an important part of keeping your engine running smoothly, it’s essential to take care of your antifreeze. It’s not too difficult a task and you can even save a few bucks by doing it yourself. Here are 10 easy steps to change your own antifreeze: * Clean the radiator. As you drive, the cooling system of your car sucks in air, bugs, dirt, leaves and other debris along with it. It’s important to clean it so air can easily pass through the radiator. * Place a […]
Common Interior Paint Problems
Now is the perfect time to look around your home and take stock of areas in need of repair or an inexpensive spruce up with the holiday season behind us and warmer weather still months away.“A simple change of paint color can rejuvenate a tired kitchen, warm a family or living room or help to create a restful bedroom. But, before opening that first can of paint, correct surface issues and make sure your walls are clean and sound. Good surface preparation coupled with top quality paint, brushes and rollers will help to insure a long-lasting and beautiful finish,” Debbie Zimmer, color and decorating expert with the Rohm and Haas Paint Quality Institute explains.1. Foaming or Cratering—This occurs during the formation of bubbles and results in small, round concave depressions when those bubbles break during paint application and drying.Possible causes include shaking a partially filled can of paint, use of low quality paint or very old latex paint, applying paint too quickly or excessive rolling and brushing, using a low quality roller cover or wrong nap length or applying a gloss or semigloss paint over a porous surface.SolutionAll paints will foam to some extent during application: however, higher quality paints […]
Contractors…Double your Income!
5 Simple Ways to Double Your Income Immediately So you think that you are just like your competition? Well, then it is time to differentiate yourself. As a contractor, you probably use the same types of materials as your competitors do… so how can you differentiate yourself? Service! Build it better and serve your clients better. You will come out on top. This may seem so simple, yet very few contractors really do things better than their competitors. So what are 5 simple ways that can double your income? Here they are… 1. Use only high quality subcontractors. It costs you less in time and rework costs to use quality subcontractors the first time. You may think you are going to save a few dollars by hiring the cheapest one, but in the end we all know it doesn’t work out that way. We pay for what we get. What’s quality service and product worth to your reputation? Priceless! 2. Implement a service mentality. Everything you do is for the benefit of your homebuyers. Don’t keep it to yourself… tell everyone you know about the way you build your houses and the benefits that you provide to your homebuyers. Don’t think there are benefits? Think […]
COPD Patients: It’s Important to Stay Active
(ARA) – A diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) often results in a patient feeling helpless and depressed about not being able to maintain a normal, active lifestyle. However, with a chronic lung disease like COPD, it’s particularly important, and tremendously beneficial, for patients to exercise and stay active. It is a misconception that people with COPD are unable to stay active post diagnosis. On the contrary, exercise can help patients feel less short of breath, strengthen muscles (including the heart) and can improve a patient’s mood, according to the National Jewish Medical and Research Center. COPD patients should always consult with their doctor to collaborate on developing an appropriate exercise program prior to beginning one. Done properly under a doctor’s supervision, exercise can increase energy levels, muscle strength, cardiopulmonary endurance and help with shortness of breath. Not to mention the additional benefits of losing weight and lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels. If you have COPD and are overweight, the extra weight can make it even more difficult for you to breathe. Losing the weight by participating in a doctor-supervised exercise program will help to reduce the strain on your heart and lungs. Common activities include stretching, strength exercises such […]
Counting Calories
Counting calories: Getting back to weight-loss basicsYour weight is a balancing act and calories play a big role. Find out how calories determine your weight and ways you can best cut calories from your diet.Of all the diet strategies out there, it still comes down to the calorie. Fad diets may promise you that counting carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit is key to weight loss, but when it comes to weight control, it’s calories that count.Calories: Fuel for your bodyCalories are the energy in food. Your body has a constant demand for energy and uses the calories from food to keep you functioning. Energy from calories fuels your every action, much as gasoline powers your car.Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the types of nutrients that contain calories and thus are the main energy sources for your body. The amount of energy in each varies: Proteins and carbohydrates have about 4 calories a gram, and fats have about 9 calories a gram. Alcohol also is a source of calories, providing about 7 calories a gram.Regardless of where they come from, calories you eat are either converted to physical energy or stored within your body as fat. Unless you use […]
Creative First Date Ideas
Creative first dating is the art of making that second first impression. The first was your appearance, personality or perhaps humor that got you this far. Let’s see whether these 30 creative first date ideas can take you further to that date #2. Whatever you do, the goal is to make that first date memorable. Opportunities for first date distractions are many. The focus then should be away from any potential discomfort or moments of silence. And going on a first date that spills over to a group date is good, too. If you have the urge to ask them suggestions for your first date together, try not to. It reads that you are too lazy to think of something creative yourself. Tap into your city’s online tourist sites, city guides and newspaper entertainment section and also local television programs on things to do in your city. They can give you the heads up for concerts, comedy shows, poetry readings, lectures, galleries and other things happening. Men, know this: Unless a woman already knows you, going to places that are not so public might be uncomfortable for her on your first date. So plan wisely. 1. Travel for that drink. Go for a drive […]
Creative Tips for Budget Bridal Showers
When hosting a bridal shower, it can be easy to get carried away. Hosts, typically a close friend or relative of the bride, often feel obligated to give the bride the “perfect” party — a concept as elusive as it is expensive. (ARA) – When hosting a bridal shower, it can be easy to get carried away. Hosts, typically a close friend or relative of the bride, often feel obligated to give the bride the “perfect” party — a concept as elusive as it is expensive. However, if you find yourself planning an upcoming bridal shower on a budget, have no fear: It’s entirely possible to plan a tasteful, fun and sentimental gathering without breaking the bank. Here are five time-saving and cost-cutting ways to throw a beautiful bridal shower: Invitations It can be tempting to blow your entire budget for the party on the invitations, but consider saving money (and time) by sending them electronically. Web sites like make sending invitations and tracking responses electronically a breeze. And with an enormous online image database, it’s almost guaranteed that even the pickiest planner will find the perfect invitation design. Food Skip hours of baking and frosting and provide your guests with a creative and low-fat […]
Dance Floor Activities at the Reception
Dancing is an essential component at most wedding receptions. We look forward to the couple’s “first dance” and the bride’s special dance with her father. It’s also a place to get loose and funky, if you’re a guest or a member of the wedding party.But what if the wedding planners decided to add some fun and surprise to the dance floor by adding fun activities there? This doesn’t mean a rousing version of the “Bunny Hop”, which, while maybe essential, is hardly unique. There are, however, many fun games and activities you can add to your dance floor activities that are sure to be a hit.Try a fun game of the “chicken dance”. Ok, so that doesn’t sound too original. But if most of your guests are just sitting at their tables, watching a few brave couples dancing, or just finishing their meals, you might want to get everyone up and having fun. Try this game.The DJ announces a number. Everyone looks under his or her chair, where there is a number. Depending on the number of guests at the wedding, there might be only numbers “1” and “2” or more, up to 5. So, say the DJ announces number “4”. Each […]
Date After Divorce: Tips and Advice
For some it seems to be a pretty tough job to impress your partner. Even though you might feel strongly for her, you might not be able to convey your feelings the right way. Here are some of the successful tips to make your mate realize how much you care for them: Time Management- It is obvious that your partner may turn furious if you are always busy. Even in your busiest hours you must take out some time for your partner. This makes your partner realize that you miss them and really care for them. Both of you can finalize a schedule by asking your partner at which time you can meet and make sure to match your timings.• Communication- Miscommunication may often lead to arguments and fights. So, you must be very transparent, open and communicate as much as you can about your feelings to your partner. However, you should not bottle your feelings as you may turn disappointed and later accuse your partner for any eventual misunderstanding. Be more persuasive and decrease the unpleasant experiences of your life. • Innovative Ways- You can always try something new to express your affection to your beloved in a better way. Memorize […]
Dating a Widow
Dating a widow or widower is not necessarily just for people older than 60. Women in their 30s and 40s become widows every day due to accidents, or illness, etc. Since finding widows out in the dating world is really not all that uncommon, I thought I would put together a list of guidelines and things to think about if you are just starting to date a widow, or are simply contemplating whether to date a widow. There are definitely a number of issues to consider. Oh – and the flip side of all of this equally applies to women who may wish to date a widower.1) Where is she in the grieving process? Has she had the necessary time to properly grieve? Grieving must take place in order for her to move forward with her life … which includes new relationships. Some people grieve more quickly than others … which means for some, it might be a matter of months. Yet for others, it could take years. Give her the time she needs to heal, and don’t force a new relationship on her. If your relationship with her is right for her, then she’ll gravitate toward you naturally.2) Be […]
Dating Later On In Life
It’s interesting to see what happens to the divorce rate as time passes. What used to be one in four marriages ending in divorce has now come to one in two. It’s a fact: half of all first marriages end in divorce. And while many marriages end quickly, others take a long time dying. If your first or second marriage ended after a long stretch, you may be looking for love later on in life than you expected. Fortunately, you’re not alone– even if you might feel like you are. There are more than 40 million single people over the age of 50 just in the U.S! With so many choices out there, you have no excuse to not to look for love. It won’t happen on its own, but if you work at it, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to find the right person the second (or third) time around.Tips for Dating in Middle AgeBe honest After dealing with lying spouses and difficult situations in a marriage, most people looking for a partner later in life value honesty above almost anything else. When dating, it’s all too easy to fall back into a routine of embellishing and […]
Dating Senior Women: Five Things to Consider
If you’re reentering the dating world as a senior — whether newly widowed, divorced, or just ready to finally settle down — there are a few things to consider when pursuing senior women.Dating Senior Women Consideration #1: She’s nervousFor the senior woman who’s rejoining the dating scene after years of enjoying the single life or the stability of a relationship, meeting new gentlemen can be intimidating. Self-doubt and nerves are a more significant factor than they were in her youth. Anticipate this by putting her at ease as much as possible.Choose a dating location that will make her feel safe. Arrange to meet her in a public space not far from where she lives. If the two of you met online, reassured safety is crucial. She may feel “too old for this.” Compliment her when appropriate, keep the tone of conversation light, and laugh. Acknowledge your own trepidations and embrace the dating adventure together.Dating Senior Women Consideration #2: She’s independentMany single senior women are looking for companions, not caregivers. They’re more than capable of taking care of themselves and making major life decisions solo. They lead rich lives filled with hobbies, their families and community involvement. Ask her about her […]
Dating Single Parents
Now, when you think about dating, it creates a picture of just two people in your mind. Next, add some children in that picture. What did you get? No. It’s not a family. This picture might point to a very new concept in the world of parenthood known as ‘Single Parents’. All this time, you had been thinking of a perfect rendezvous with your beloved but knowing that you are dating or going to approach a single parent might make you shaky at the knees. In such circumstances, it is simple to follow some tips and advices. Discover the magic moves:Some Tips and Advices:If you are a woman dating a single father then keep these things in mind. He is a man; a working professional plus a mother at home too, so do not be impeccable about the cleanliness of the house. Commenting about it, might appear harsh. • Respect the decision of the person to be a single parent. Avoid asking the cause for it. At the same time do not say something which might make him/her feel that you are finding their fault. • As single parents they are very fond of their children as well as protective of them. […]
Dating Widow(er)s: Our User Guide
The dating world can be difficult to re-enter after losing a spouse. If you’re a widow(er), or you’re dating someone who has grieved the loss of a life partner, eHarmony users have some advice and wisdom to share on the subject of dating after loss.Dating AgainWe asked eHarmony folks to chime in on when they’ve found that widow(er)s are typically ready to date again. The responses were unanimous: it varies. There is no magic formula.See the advice from our own community!Each person and situation is unique. Some are ready to date again shortly after their partner dies. Others need more time. What’s perhaps most important is that the widow(er) is comfortable with the timeline and isn’t reentering the dating world because of the outside pressure to “get back out there.”Not Ready?Patience is key. For a widow(er) to be ready to enter a new relationship, he/she has to feel comfortable looking past their grief and focusing on loving a new individual. If the photos can’t come down, or the reminiscing is constant and weepy, more time is needed.Most widow(er)s have a support system of friends and family. Therapy groups offer additional networks of emotional care. You shouldn’t have to be responsible […]
Dating: The First Phone Call
One of the most common dating questions that men have is, “When should I first call her?”The simple answer is: Anytime you like. However, beware – if you’re dealing with a really attractive woman, you can bet she has given her phone number out plenty of times. You can also bet that every guy will call her and do what on the first phone call? He’ll try to set up a date. Why? Because he wants to get the relationship moving forward ASAP before she meets another guy!! Quick, quick! If you can tell that a woman is keen to go on a date with you, then go ahead and organize one. However, if you sense that she probably has a number of guys interesting in dating her, let some anticipation build by not setting up a date straight away. Trust me, she will be thankful that a guy finally had the balls to do it. How do you do it? Just call her up, re-spark the attraction, chat, have a laugh together and then end the phone call when you feel the time is right. “Ok cool, good chatting with you again. I have to go to [somewhere] right now. But hey, we’ll […]
Dealing with a Cheat!
In today’s society it is rare to find a faithful man. Many women remain single because they have been hurt by fidelity issues in the past. This often causes women to deal with their trust issues in a different relationship. It is important to remember that each individual is capable of cheating, because we are human, but that does not mean that all men, or people are unfaithful. Specific behaviors are displayed by men who cheat on their lovers.A change in the pattern of communication can be an indicator of cheating. If a man speaks less about the events of his day than he has in the past, you may want to begin asking specific questions. A woman should be able to ask her husband about his agenda for the day, and then be able to contact him where he said he would be.The issue of infidelity not only tears relationships and families apart; this causes issues for the individual who was betrayed, in future relationships. Worse yet, unfaithfulness can affect the health of all persons involved. In stable relationships, some couples choose not to use protection, this habit can be disastrous if one decides to wander; due to the rising […]
Dealing with Morning Sickness
Being pregnant truly is a once in a lifetime and an absolutely wonderful experience. With that said, there is an aspect of pregnancy which can be difficult for many women. What commonly is referred to as morning sickness plagues many women who are pregnant. Through this article you are provided with some insights into how you can best deal with what most people still call morning sickness. At the outset, it is important to understand that the nausea associated with being pregnant can occur throughout the day and night and is not confined to the morning. Many women historically have experienced pregnancy related nausea in the morning. But, calling it morning sickness really is something of a misnomer. In addition, you need to understand that nausea associated with pregnancy is normal, particularly during the first trimester. However, with that said and understood, if you find that you are suffering from severe nausea or if you find that you are spending a good deal of time nauseated, you definitely will want to speak with your doctor. There are some rather rare instances in which nausea during pregnancy can be the consequence of something more serious. Therefore, you really do want to make sure […]
Dealing with The After-Effects of Cheating
Did this really happen?,. Why me? And What did I do to deserve this? Are just some of the questions which you might be asking yourself after you determined that your spouse has cheated on you. Then comes the time when you mentally hit yourself in the head for ignoring the signs, which should have been your clue that there is something dishonest with the relationship in the first place.After you discover that your spouse has cheated on you, it is the after-effect that is more complex to deal with.How People come to grips with CheatingIf you are the injured person who discovered that your spouse has been cheating on you, the first thing that you must realize is that individuals deal with this particular dilemma differently. Your reaction and the questions to come filling your head will depend on how the relationship went in the first place, as well as the situations surrounding the infidelity.There are individuals who will originally feel anger towards their spouse who cheated on them. For others, devastation and then feeling as if the world came crumbling down on them is the original response. Then, there are individuals who feel remorse or guilt, saying that […]
Dear Nurse: Thanks for Listening
(BPT) – Nurses wear many hats when it comes to talking to patients – providing education, advice and emotional support about even the most personal issues. For the 400,000 people in the U.S. who are living with multiple sclerosis (MS), that kind of personal attention can make all the difference.Diane Terry-Strelow has been a nurse for more than 30 years and says that all questions, big or small, are important to address when it comes to helping support those living with MS.“MS is experienced differently by each and every patient I speak to,” says Terry-Strelow, a nurse with Genzyme’s MS One to OneTM program, which provides personalized support to program members living with MS, as well as their care partners. MS One to OneTM connects each member with his/her own nurse who has significant MS knowledge and is available by phone or online 24/7. “Patients enter the conversation at various points in their disease progression and with varying levels of knowledge about MS. For some, it is not easy to talk with friends and family about the disease. So it’s important that through MS One to OneTM, we provide support and encouragement to help them feel comfortable asking questions.”MS is […]
Demolition Tips for Do-It-Yourselfers
(ARA) – Tune in to your average home improvement show and you may get the idea that anyone can do demolition. Think again. Virtually every home remodeling project begins with demolition. Homeowners who do their own demo can save big bucks, especially on projects where professionals will finish the construction part of the job. But poorly executed demolition can damage parts of your home that you’d rather preserve – and end up costing you more than the remodeling project itself “There’s more to demolition than picking up a sledgehammer and swinging at the wall,” says Joe Skach, a demolition specialist and inventor of a pry bar system commonly used by contractors for demolition. “You need to know what to remove and how to remove it properly in order to keep the structures that you’ll need in place to complete your renovation.” Before you tear up a floor, open a wall or demolish a countertop, keep these basic do-it-yourself demolition tips in mind: * When removing siding from a home exterior, be aware of all lines coming into the house through the siding. Take care in these areas so that you don’t damage the home’s power source or leave yourself without cable or phone service. […]
Developing a Flat Tummy
First and foremost, the correct strategy to attain a belly that is flat is by looking for the proper kinds of nutrients and also exercises which will really make this feasible, and not through ridiculous fad diets in addition to ridiculous cardio preferences. Not withstanding how astonishing a lot of the ridiculous fads seem, most of them don’t function as advertised. They are on the whole just a waste of valuable time in addition to resources. Some individuals can get a belly that is flat without doing gym exercises for 3-4 sessions each week for one hour each time; the guide is to know exactly what to do which works as well as to do it.The primary work of everyone’s ab muscles is to bend the upper body to the fore but there’re equally muscles which bend the upper body to the side just as there’re muscles which rotate the upper body.The plank pose is a brilliant work out which just has to be in your ab routine as it concentrates on your transverse abdominal muscles which hold your stomach in and is responsible for posture plus support. Work out balls are recommended plus they are reasonable for helping to make […]
Diabetes on the Rise in Hispanics
(ARA) – Diabetes is becoming more and more prevalent in Hispanic populations in the United States, according to 2008 statistics from the National Institutes of Health. This trend has serious health implications because of the increased prevalence, the greater number of risk factors and the greater incidence of complications. In general, Hispanics are diagnosed with diabetes at twice the rate of Caucasian Americans, and about 7 percent have undiagnosed diabetes. More than 10 percent of Hispanics in the United States older than 20 have been diagnosed with diabetes, according to the NIH. Among Hispanics, diabetes prevalence rates are 8.2 percent for Cubans, 11.9 percent for Mexican Americans and 12.6 percent for Puerto Ricans. One of the most common questions people with diabetes ask is “Can we eat sugar?” The answer is “yes”, but in moderation. The recommended diet for people with diabetes has changed in the past decade. Diabetics now learn about and can enjoy less restrictive diets. Diabetes experts say that diabetics can include sugar as part of the carbohydrates allotted in their overall diets. However, diabetic diets still need to be personalized. Patients with diabetes need to consider their medication, age, height, weight, blood sugar levels, physical activity and carbohydrate intake recommendations […]
Diabetes Treatment: What you need to Know
There’s no such thing as short-term type 2 diabetes treatment. Managing this disease requires careful and continual attention to your health. The good news: Some very basic lifestyle adjustments — eating healthy and getting regular exercise — will go a long way toward helping you manage type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Treatment: The BasicsType 2 diabetes treatment revolves around managing blood glucose levels, also called blood sugar levels. Folks with type 2 diabetes face two problems: Their cells don’t take in glucose as well as they used to because they’ve become resistant to insulin, a hormone that aids in processing glucose. And their bodies are not producing as much insulin as they used to because the organ that creates the hormone, the pancreas, has been damaged by strain and overwork. If you don’t manage your blood sugar levels, diabetes can cause terrible systemic damage to your body. You could suffer kidney damage, heart disease, or blindness. In extreme cases, diabetes can necessitate amputation of limbs. Proper diabetes treatment requires a few basic skills. These include: Performing regular tests on your blood glucose levels.Eating right and exercising.Taking the necessary medications, including insulin. Diabetes Treatment: Blood Glucose TestingSince managing blood sugar levels is key to diabetes treatment, it’s […]
Diabetes: Know It’s Symptoms
Other than tracing one’s own family history to find out whether any relations have diabetes, how can a person know whether he or she has diabetes without first having a medical check-up? This is the type of question people usually asked when they suspected that they might have diabetes. Like all diseases, diabetes does have its symptoms. In this article, I shall highlight the more common ones and relate my own experience to it. Like in all diseases, diabetes symptoms may resemble other diseases. So before I proceed to discuss about the symptoms, I would advise that if you or any of your family members even suspected that you might have diabetes, go for a medical check-up. Early detection will help a person to manage the disease better and to prevent it from becoming serious. One common symptom is frequent urination. Do not be confused if you tend to urinate more when you drink lots of water. For me, I did not realize that my frequent urination was due to diabetes. This was because I habitually drink about 3 to 4 liters of plain water in one day. So my frequent urination did not bother me as I thought it was due […]
Diabetes: Who is Likely to Get It!
Ever wondered who gets diabetes? It can be anyone and everyone and it can occur anywhere in the world. There are several factors that may give rise to diabetes. Knowing the possible factors as well who is in the high risks group will allow a person to be more informed and offer him the opportunity to take preventive actions before the disease strikes. This article examines those common factors that give rise to diabetes and the people most likely to become diabetic. Firstly, you should be aware that diabetes is not contagious. So if you come across a diabetic person, do not fear that he will pass the disease to you. This cannot happen. Secondly, there are 2 types of diabetes, Type-1 and Type-2. Type-1 diabetes is caused when the body no longer produces insulin. It usually affects children and young adults. To manage type-1 diabetes, regular insulin injections have to be taken. However, this article focuses on Type-2 diabetes and looks at those factors that cause it. Age is one factor is look at. It was reported that a person who is more than 40 years old is at risk of getting diabetes. Also, the older a person is, the more […]
Diabetic Patients can Prevent Nerve Pain
(ARA) – A common complication of diabetes is the development of nerve damage, also known as diabetic nerve pain. This damage affects the nerves that allow patients to feel sensations such as numbness and debilitating pain – also called neuropathy. More than 20 million people have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. By the end of the decade, this number is expected to rise dramatically. When high blood sugar levels damage nerves, diabetic neuropathy can occur and eventually 40 to 60 percent of diabetics will develop diabetic nerve pain. Mostly it affects the hands and feet, with mild to severe numbness, and sharp pain like pins and needles. Limbs feel alternately burning hot and icy cold, accompanied by pain and muscle fatigue. Treating diabetes may halt progression and improve symptoms of the nerve pain, but recovery is slow. The painful sensations of diabetic nerve pain may become so severe it can lead to depression in some patients. This chronic painful condition is often puzzling and frustrating for patients and physicians, as it is difficult to diagnose and seems to respond poorly to standard pain therapies. Countless people with diabetes have suffered from nerve pain for years. Diabetic neuropathy sufferer […]
Digital Photo Booth
The hot item at wedding receptions and corporate events right now is a photo booth. No wonder, a photo booth captures people when they are having fun and enjoying being together. If you are thinking of renting a photo booth, keep in mind that there are two basic types, digital and classic. The features you are looking for will determine which type you should choose.A digital photo booth gives more flexibilityWith a digital photo booth, the taken images can be edited on the spot. The images can be downloaded onto a disc for the bride and groom at a wedding to have a treasured keepsake from their reception.A digital photo booth requires no chemicalsThe last thing you need when moving and setting up a photo booth is to mess around with a bunch of chemicals. A digital photo booth is as simple as using a home computer to print out photos.Don’t you lose the nostalgic feel of a photo booth with a digital?Not at all. In fact digital photos can be printed out on the typical 4 pictures in a row type paper. They can also be set to black and white, sepia, or color. As long as the booth itself […]
Direct Deposit of Social Security is Safer, Easier for Winter Travelers
(ARA) – As cold weather sets in, thousands of retirees are making plans for a winter getaway. If you’re one of them, switch to direct deposit for your Social Security payments before you leave – it’s the safest, easiest way to receive your money. “Each year, the U.S. Department of the Treasury receives more than 1.4 million inquiries regarding paper check-related problems,” says David A. Lebryk, commissioner of the Treasury Department’s Financial Management Service. Yet, approximately 10.5 million Americans continue to receive their Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments by paper check each month. The Treasury Department’s Go Direct (R) campaign encourages senior citizens and people with disabilities to switch to direct deposit. Increased safety, convenience and reliability When there’s a problem with a Social Security payment, nine times out of 10 it’s with a paper check, not a direct deposit payment, says Lebryk. Paper checks can be vulnerable to financial crimes like theft and fraud. In fact, the Treasury Department investigates more than 70,000 cases of altered or fraudulently endorsed checks each year, totaling $64 million in estimated value. “In 2008 alone, more than 485,000 Social Security and SSI checks were reported lost or stolen and had […]
Doing your own taxes? Here’s what you need to know
(BPT) – More than 43.6 million Americans prepared and e-filed their own income tax returns in 2013, up 4 percent from the year before, according to the IRS. In addition to being more affordable than a storefront or accountant, online and mobile solutions have made doing your own taxes exceptionally easy and fast.“Consumers now have everything for filing their own tax returns right at their fingertips,” says TaxACT spokesperson Jessi Dolmage.The programs ask simple questions, covering tax law changes and maximizing your credits and deductions. After e-filing, you can be notified when your return is accepted by the IRS, and solutions like TaxACT help you check the status of your federal refund.The process is already easy and fast when doing your taxes online or with a mobile app, but to make it even more of a cinch, follow these tips: 1. Gather and organize your tax documents beforehand, including a copy of last year’s return.2. Don’t wait until the last minute. Rushing often leads to errors.3. Do an apples-to-apples comparison of do-it-yourself tax solutions. Some require you to upgrade if your return requires additional tax forms. You can avoid the gimmicks with TaxACT Free Federal since it includes all e-fileable forms […]
Dollar Denominations
Some of us have never seen a $100,000 bill, and have no clue as to who or what is on it. Here’s a list of what you’ll find on the front and back of our paper currency. Note that the government no longer issues bills higher than $100. Bill Front Back$1 George Washington Seal of the United States$2 Thomas Jefferson Signing of the Declaration of Independence$5 Abraham Lincoln Lincoln Memorial$10 Alexander Hamilton U.S. Treasury$20 Andrew Jackson White House$50 Ulysses S. Grant Capitol Building$100 Benjamin Franklin Independence Hall$500 William McKinley Special Design$1,000 Grover Cleveland Special Design$5,000 James Madison Special Design$10,000 Salmon Portland Chase Special Design$100,000 Woodrow Wilson Special Design
Don’t forget your Pet in a Disaster
(ARA) – When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, Richard Colar’s neighborhood was flooded with 13 feet of water. He lost his home and lived in a FEMA trailer for over three years following the storm. Even more devastating for Colar was that he was forced to flee without his beloved pet, a Siberian husky named Princess. Miraculously, veterinarians located his lost dog weeks after the storm. The dog had been evacuated to Delaware. Due to the work of many volunteers, Colar and his family were among the lucky Katrina survivors who had their pets returned to them. “It was so important to me to get my dog back, and I was so thankful,” he says. “Veterinarians saved my dog. I never knew that there were so many animal lovers in the world.” Colar’s story illustrates why it’s so important for people to be prepared for natural disasters. This means planning an evacuation, not just for you and your family, but also your pets, livestock and horses. The American Veterinary Medical Association offers a brochure on the subject, Saving the Whole Family, as well as an informative video with helpful instructions to help people evacuate with their pets in […]
Don’t let crooks steal your tax refund: Identity theft prevention tips
(BPT) – To itemize or not to itemize, deductions, exemptions, interest income and capital gains – you have a lot to think about when you’re doing your taxes. While you’re preparing your return, don’t overlook a consideration that’s every bit as important as whether you owe or are due a refund – tax-related identity theft.Between 2011 and the end of 2013, the IRS says the agency caught and stopped 14.6 million suspicious returns, and doubled indictments and sentencings in fiscal year 2013. Criminals acquire taxpayers’ Social Security numbers and personal information through a variety of means – including data breaches, lost or stolen wallets or old-fashioned dumpster diving – and use it to file fraudulent returns in the hopes of getting a refund.“Tax identity theft is particularly insidious because it targets Americans during a vulnerable, hectic time,” says Trey Loughran, president of the personal solutions unit at Equifax. “The sheer volume of tax identity theft cases reported by the IRS is astounding. Consumers need to be aware of this growing problem and what steps they can take to help protect themselves.”Fortunately, certain steps can help Americans minimize tax identity theft risks:* Don’t wait to file. Filing early makes it less […]
What would you say if I told you that you could smoke an electronic cigarette and avoid 95% of the negative effects of a tobacco-based cigarette? Too good to be true? Well, smokers… rejoice! It is possible.The electronic cigarette, or e-cig, was first invented and marketed in China by the Golden Dragon Group. Electronic cigarettes were patented as Ruyan, meaning “almost like smoke”. This provided smokers with the ability to smoke in places where tobacco cigarettes were prohibited. The product quickly skyrocketed the company and the product toward success. Since the Ruyan has always been available on the internet, it is not surprising that the idea of the electronic cigarette has spread to other parts of the globe.It was not long before Greg Carson, a UK businessman, discovered the product and adapted it for the Western world. Marketed as the “Electro Fag” the product gained popularity across Europe, enough to prompt the English parliament to rule that this device was legal to use in places like restaurants and buildings where tobacco cigarettes were banned.Now, there are multiple electronic cigarette companies, almost all of which do the large majority of their business online. While the Chinese and European companies still dominate […]
Early Spring Crappie Fishing Tips
It has been a long hard winter and one of the most anticipated events in the spring is wetting a line on open water. While ice fishing is fun and productive, there is nothing like being out in the boat after taking a few months off. What really adds to the open water fishing experience is the thrill of catching slab crappies.There are many fishermen who wait in the spring for the crappies to move in to spawn. Don’t get me wrong; if you find crappies on their spawning beds, the fishing can be fantastic! But why wait to the spawn when you can have your cake and eat it too. Crappie fishing right after ice out can be equally rewarding.The water temperature right after ice out will be very frigid. After a few bright warm sunny days the lakes ecosystem will start to come alive. Many crappies in the early spring will be found deep. These deep water spots typically will be the last spots the ice fisherman were having success. By using light jigs and minnows in these deep-water spots, chances are you will have good success. But if you are really looking for fast action think shallow […]
Easter Baskets for Every Personality
(ARA) – With the onset of spring comes the Easter holiday and the celebration is not complete without the traditional treat-filled basket. For those looking for a unique twist to this holiday ritual, consider customizing the Easter baskets you give your loved ones. Include a variety of trinkets and toys that match your little (and big) ones’ interests to create a fun, personal Easter celebration. Here are some ideas for every personality type: The Sports Fan: Spring means one thing to the sports enthusiast: baseball season! Complement the traditional jelly bean and bunny-shaped confections with trading cards and stickers from their favorite team. Throw in a catcher’s mitt and baseball and you will hit a homerun! The Little Princess: Some girls’ love of the color pink never fades, so bring a smile to the face of your “girliest” girl this Easter with a pink-inspired Easter basket. Costume jewelry, lip gloss and a beaded purse give her the perfect dress accessories. Customize the “basket” further by delivering the items in a pink duffle bag or carry-all, leaving her with a basket she can use year round. The Practical Joker: The refreshing humor of practical jokes and silly toys never gets old. Consider designing a basket […]
Easy Bath Improvement For The Not So Handy
(ARA) – Tired of your boring bathroom, but don’t think you have the home improvement skills to update it? Stop doubting yourself and make some quick and easy changes that will dramatically improve the look and functionality of your bath, all without calling a contractor. Masterpiece mirrors Occupying a majority of wall space in most baths, plate-glass mirrors are functional, yet not very aesthetically pleasing. To solve this problem, add easy-to-install mirror frames, such as Mirrorscapes by Moen, which are available in five different styles and a variety of finishes to beautifully coordinate in your bath. All you need for this project is a measuring tape, marker, a saw and about 30 minutes. Mirrorscapes proprietary installation system makes transforming a plate-glass mirror quick, easy and secure. Installation templates perfectly position the mounting brackets, ensuring proper alignment of the frame straights and decorative corners. No angled miter cuts are necessary. “The system is nearly error-proof,” says Tim Bitterman, group product manager for Creative Specialties International. “The template pieces ensure perfect alignment, while the decorative corner frame pieces cover straight-end frame pieces – to disguise most cutting errors.” Pretty painting Adding color can dramatically transform any room, and luckily painting is an extremely simple project. However, success lies […]
Easy Hair Styling Tips for the Brides Big Day
How you are going to wear your hair on the big day is just as important as what dress you pick out. Depending on how long your hair is, will tell you your limitations on options. The longer your hair, the more options you will have to play with. What ever you decide to do will make or break your look, so make sure it works with you, not against you. You want to consult your stylist to see what looks will fit you face, dress, and your man. Depending on what your wearing and how tall you are compared to your fiancé will make a world of difference. Have him or her compile a set of looks that are for your hair length and other requirements. This will give you a basis to start from.For short hair, you want to go sassy for sure. The last thing you want is your hair sticking to your head like a skullcap. Make sure you have some pizzazz in there. Don’t be afraid to add some highlights and add a small amount of styling product to make your hair stand out. The contemporary bob can be nice, but add a bit of highlight […]
Easy-to-Do Maintenance helps Extend Vehicle Life
(ARA) – After their homes, most Americans’ largest financial investment is their vehicle, so helping it stay in good working order for as long as possible is a high priority. In fact, the average age of a passenger car in North America has grown to more than nine years, according to R.L. Polk and Co., which indicates that motorists are looking for ways to help extend the life of their vehicle. Even so, today’s tight budgets leave some motorists reluctant to spend on services or maintenance that they think can be delayed, at least for the short term. However, compared to the cost of engine repair, spending a little today on the right maintenance routine performed by trusted service technicians using quality products makes sense. Mark Ferner, Pennzoil technical specialist and ASE-certified master mechanic, offers some simple, cost-effective tips for helping to protect the performance and longevity of your vehicle: Replace dirty air filters. A dirty air filter will restrict airflow to the engine, which may reduce power output. If the filter fails, it will allow unfiltered air into the engine, which can be abrasive inside an engine. To avoid these issues and help promote long engine life, check your engine’s air […]
Effects on Lung Cancer Treatments
The effects of lung cancer on the patient’s body can differ according to the type and stage of the disease. However, studies are now focused towards the impact of treatments intended to cure the disease in patients. Although these have been recognized as temporary effects only, it still does produce enough good to the health of the patients. What Are The Effects of Lung Cancer Treatments? Since the treatment for the disease is essential to keep the cancer cells under control, several patients have overlooked the possible harm it can bring to their health. These are some of the more common treatment options for lung cancer. 1) Surgical Treatment Effects of lung cancer treatment such as surgeries can often bring in more harm to the patient. Since it is a major operation, it exposes your chest area into the possibility of collecting air and fluid into it. Among the side effects known for lung cancer patients who have recently undergone surgery is difficulty in turning over, deep breathing, or even coughing. Since patients typically go through these activities, recovery might be slow. Activities such as deep breathing or coughing are essential elements in recovery since they enable extra air or […]
Electronic Cigarettes
The Electronic Cigarette was developed in China in 2004. It was designed to take the place of smoking tobacco cigarettes and cigars because, despite global smoking bans, many smokers just find it too difficult to quit altogether. There are numerous nicotine replacement products on the market, such as gum and patches, but these in no way replicate the smoking experience which has been proven to be a part of the addictive ritual of smoking. The e-cigarette is revolutionary in that it’s aim is to both deliver nicotine to user and simulate the experience of smoking a traditional tobacco cigarette. The Electronic Cigarette or e-cig, in most cases looks just like a traditional cigarette and is made of a mouthpiece that holds a nicotine cartridge, a heating element or atomizer, a battery and an LED at the tip of the device. The way e-cigs work is that they contain an airflow meter that is triggered when the user inhales on the device. This activates the atomizer and delivers the nicotine to the smoker by a short burst of vapor that is inhaled. The LED at the tip lights up showing that the battery is working and also making the device appear […]