Bookmark your Favorite Road

(ARA) – Planes and trains may have their place in our society, but for the dedicated traveler there’s still nothing like getting in your car and taking a trip along America’s highways. 

Half the fun of road trips, in the minds of many, is getting home and telling friends and family about the adventure – and the roads they traveled. 

In the past, drivers’ road stories were largely told by word of mouth to a few people at a time. Now drivers can tell their tales to millions via the Internet. is a new Web site that features America’s favorite highways and byways. 

The site encourages you to post your favorite roads and explain why you like them. Simply log on to submit a photo and story of your favorite road. Use links posted on the site to share your road via popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Your submission may even win a prize in contest giveaways. 

The past year’s economic downturn has reintroduced the word “infrastructure” to our vocabulary. As a result of stimulus legislation passed in 2009, the federal government has allocated millions of dollars to specifically improve state roads and highways. And, with more affordable gasoline prices, people are increasingly using America’s roads for leisure travel. 

By posting on, you’re doing more than just “telling a good story.” Your testimonials may help encourage lawmakers to push for increased infrastructure spending to keep America driving smoothly and safely for years to come. 

Courtesy of ARAcontent