Arm Yourself Against the Flu

(ARA) – The flu seems to be top-of-mind right now for almost everyone, especially moms. And while many moms are taking extra measures this year to protect kids from both seasonal flu and H1N1, they may neglect getting their own flu shot. With kids, husbands, schools, friends, communities and employers depending on moms for so much, it’s more important than ever for moms to get vaccinated against seasonal flu this year. 

As many as one in five Americans ends up suffering from the flu each year and more than 200,000 people are hospitalized due to flu-related complications, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most cases result in a few days in bed, which is far from rest and relaxation for the do-it-all mom. When the flu bug bites mom, it can seriously impact the family, as she may not be able to care for the home and kids as she normally does. 

“Moms today are busier than ever and the No. 1 thing they’re looking for is convenience,” says Dr. Lucy Crane, Walgreens corporate medical director. “A seasonal flu shot is the best protection against getting the virus and now it’s quick and easy to stop by a neighborhood pharmacy like Walgreens to get one. We know the critical role moms play every day and when mom is down and out, the whole family usually suffers.” 

As the holiday season approaches, moms are reminded of the many reasons they should make time for themselves to receive a flu shot – to protect themselves and the ones they love: 

* Holiday celebrations – From Halloween to New Year’s Eve, there are endless feasts and festivals with family and friends. To keep the good times rolling, roll up your sleeve for a flu shot, get plenty of rest to help keep your immune system strong and keep anti-bacterial wipes handy in kitchens and bathrooms for yourselves and guests. 

* Travel – Traveling is a notorious way to swap germs with strangers. Seasonal flu vaccinations and good habits, like frequent and thorough hand-washing or use of hand sanitizers, drinking plenty of water and coughing or sneezing into tissues (and then throwing them away) are the best defenses against bringing an unwanted passenger on your trip. 

* Job and career – Sick kids or sick moms can result in use of sick days (if you have them) or lost wages. For working moms, it’s important to stay healthy and bring home the bacon, and not the flu, too. Urge co-workers to get seasonal flu shots to reduce overall risk of picking up more than a paycheck at work. 

Getting a seasonal flu shot is a lot easier than it used to be, with pharmacies, clinics and even airports among those now offering this important service. 

Walgreens has taken a leadership role in flu prevention, assembling a network of 16,000 certified immunizers, made up of pharmacists, physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners. Seasonal flu shots are $24.99 and may be covered by insurance plans as well as Medicare Part B. For the latest information on seasonal flu and to find a local store offering seasonal flu shots, visit

No matter how busy you are, your family and friends will thank you for arming yourself against the seasonal flu this year. 

Courtesy of ARAcontent